Baking Squad Feature: Lindsay of Allergy Friendly Mama

Baking Squad Feature
We are so excited to share some of our Kate’s Safe and Sweet Baking Squad with you throughout the next few months.

Today we are Introducing you to our Baking Squad Ambassador Lindsay from Allergy Friendly Mama.  Learn more about Lindsay in our below short interview and her goal for 2021 (which is also one of mine!)
Baking Squad Feature

⁠❤️ About: ⁠Hi! My name is Lindsay and I’m the food allergy mom behind the account “Allergy Friendly Mama”. My daughter 4 year old daughter, Emma, is allergic to peanuts, dairy and most tree nuts, but has outgrown almonds and eggs! Would love to have you join our sweet community where I share all about our food allergy journey, as well as tips, favorite products, and more!

❤️ Favorite holiday tradition with your family: ⁠My favorite tradition has to be driving around before Christmas looking at Christmas lights and blasting Christmas music while sipping hot cocoa!

❤️ Goals for 2021⁠: Be more present and “in the moment” for my family

❤️ Favorite thing about Kate’s Safe and Sweet: ⁠Ummm everything? Haha! I love how adorable the baking boxes are you can get, but I was really blown away by how amazing everything tastes!!

Lindsay - Allergy Friendly Mama
Thank you Lindsay for sharing a snippet into your life and being such a big fan and supporter of Kate’s Safe and Sweet!

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