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Safe & Sweet Recipes

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Meet Kate & Penny

As a Mom of two children with food allergies I created fantastic top 9 (and top 14) allergen free baking mixes from scratch in my own kitchen alongside my daughter. Our dream was to create something easy and delicious and safe for all!  Our mixes will be enjoyed by everyone in the family or at the party, allergies, gluten free, vegan, or not, who will all agree these are tasty and wonderful.

It’s time to Celebrate Safe and Sweet!

Customer Feedback

“Normal” events are some of the most abnormal to navigate as a parent of a child with food allergies. Kids’ menus, play dates, school events, and of course, birthday parties - they’re all going to look different for my son. So I’m forever grateful to Kate’s for giving him a birthday cake that is not only easy to make, but looks and tastes DELICIOUS! These aren’t just mixes - they’re memories 🙂 thank you!"

Natalie A.

"I have always dreamed of a one-stop shop for making homemade cakes & cupcakes that were safe for Auggie’s food allergies, so when we heard about Kate’s Safe & Sweet it felt like an answer to prayer! It’s the cutest curated baking box and ridiculously delicious too! This will be our go-to gift for all of our friends’ and family’s birthdays & all our holidays for years to come! Thanks for existing KATE! We LOVE YOU!"

Maha Maturo

"Your cake mix and frosting was the best we had ever tried. Being top 8 allergen friendly is a huge plus for our family. I am not one to eat frosting at all. But I could have literally just ate the vanilla frosting & vanilla cake batter without even baking! 

We will only buy cake mixes & frosting from your company from now on!"  ❤️

Crystal S.