Cut-out sugar cookies for Christmas are a must in our home! The kids and I had fun making and decorating these in fun shapes with royal icing and sprinkles on top. I think the kids did a great job making these cookies! Our cut-out sugar cookie recipe can me made for any holiday – Check […]
Hot fudge sauce off the shelf that is safe for our family hasn’t been something we have been very successful in finding… so we made our own using our chocolate frosting mix. For the holidays we added a little bit of peppermint extract and some crushed candy canes on top as well. We then enjoyed […]
I’m dreaming of a White Christmas- White Christmas Tree Cakes that is! Celebrate the holidays with Santa’s favorite treat of cake layers filled with a smooth buttercream and coated with classic white frosting. Raise your hand if you were a Little Debbie® fan as a child?! I sure was, and these little cakes were a staple […]
Christmas is coming and that means Santa and his reindeers will soon be here! For Christmas this year the kids are asking for donuts, so we did a trial run and made some red-nosed reindeer ones. Of course you can make them any color nosed you’d like. For these donuts we used our chocolate cake […]
Less than 2 weeks till Christmas… and ONE WEEK left to order those holiday gifts and mixes, sprinkles, and toppers for your baking needs.⠀ ⠀ For those gifts we can ship direct to your recipient and include a personalized card with your order.⠀ ⠀ We’re following the USPS guidelines which means you can order up […]